Spectral ranges: 10
Temperature range: -25 - 2500°C
Optical resolution: 0.060°/251pxl
Opening angle: 90°
Measuring point marking: laser pointer
Spectral range: 2µm, 8 - 20µm
Price: from €5,420
- pyrometer for precise distribution of measuring temperature
- profile and spatial evaluation
- consisting of: scanner, KT15II, lens, connection cable, software
Spectral ranges: 11
Temperature range: 0 - 2000°C
Optical resolution: 128/256pxl
Opening angle: 40°/60°
Measuring point marking: laser pointer
Spectral range: 1.4µm, 8 - 20µm
Price: €16,750
- very fast, uncooled industrial camera
- simultaneous measurement of 128 or 256 detectors
- measuring frequency up to 250Hz
- for high speed object exploration
- consisting of : camera, system cable, software, charger, RS232
Spectral ranges: 11
Temperature range: 0 - 2000°C
Optical resolution: 320x240pxl
Opening angle: 40°
Marking of the measuring point: IR image
Spectral range: 3µm, 8-14µm
Price: €22,250
- very fast, uncooled industrial thermographic camera
- analog and digital outputs
- for monitoring and control